More Stuff from Xaudia


Reslos in action 2 - Pete Gardiner

Pete Gardiner is a singer/songwriter and acoustic guitar player based in Newtownards, Northern Ireland and his new album 'Songs at Sunset' was produced by Paul Steen, who used a Reslo mic on the vocals alongside a Shure SM7b.

Paul bought one of our Xaudia upgrade transformers for his Reslo RB ribbon microphone, to give the mic an output of around 250 ohms. Paul fitted the transformer himself and used Ward Beck preamps for the recording. Paul said....

"I recorded with the reslo and an sm7b but the final edit ending up being 99% reslo. The sm7b is heavily compressed and dialled in on occasion for choruses etc."

You can find out more about Pete's album here.

Producer Paul's website is here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Stewart.
    Here's another track with pure reslo vocals.


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